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Elevator Standard Features – Fuji Shinyou Elevator

Elevator Standard Features

Standard Feature

Brief description of the standard features incorporated in the FUJI elevator. Please feel free to approach our sales personnel for further clarification on these standard features.

Fully Selective Collective Control

When in automatic or attendant control, the elevator stops in response to the in car registration while automatically follows landing call up and down for example a passenger could register a call at any call landing and direction.

Overload Non- Start

When the car load exceeds the capacity or rated load of the elevator, the elevator will stop operation with the doors fully opened on that floor and a buzzer is annunciated. The buzzer will stop when a sufficient number of passengers have exited the car and the car load is less than the rated load.

Full Load Automatic Bypass

When the car load has exceeded 80% of the rated load or capacity of the elevator, the elevator will automatically ignore all the hall calls in the direction of service and respond to in car registration only.

False Calls Cancellation / Anti- Nuisance Cancellation

All car calls are automatically cancelled to avoid unnecessary stops caused by registration of nuisance car calls when the numbers of car calls registered do not correlate with the car load.

Wrong Registration Cancellation

If the passenger realized that wrong button was pushed and registered at the car operating panel, cancellation can be made to the wrong registration by pushing the same push button twice incessantly.

Clear Registration at Changing Direction

When the elevator reached the last landing and changing travel direction, all the registrations behind its present travel will be cancelled at once.

Independent Service

When the elevator switched to independent service, the function will act as exclusive travel which overlooks all landing calls and the automatic door opening and closing is blocked. Other features are similar to attendant service.

Continuity of Service

The system will exclude an elevator from the assignment of hall calls when the car cannot respond to the calls registered. Another car in the group will operate as a backup for the excluded car to ensure continuity of service to all hall calls.

Car Light & Fan Automatic Shut Off

The elevator with this energy saving feature will automatically switches off the car internal lighting and ventilation fans when no calls are registered after a predetermined period of time.

Automatic Parking

During off-peak hours, after the elevator cars have been dormant with doors closed for a predetermined amount of time, the system disperses each car to a designed location (main floor and upper floor), thus allowing more efficient service to future hall calls.

Emergency Car Lighting

An emergency LED light located at car operating panel switches on automatically in the event of a power failure, providing illumination within the car. The emergency light will allow any passengers inside the car to locate and utilize the interphone or the alarm bell to alert the building superintendent.


During emergency, by continuous pressing alarm button in the operation panel, the alarm installed on the car lift pit would sound to alert the security or building superintendent

Clock Control

With the built in clock system by real time, the exact time of the elevator breakdown could be recorded in the Error Log. The clock control can also be used to initiate the required functions precisely by time.

Attendant Service

The operating mode of an elevator can be switched to attendant service from the normal full-automatic operation by activating this override switch as and when required. This switch is installed on the maintenance recess panel, which is locate on the lower part of the car operating panel. When hall calls are registered, the appropriate direction arrows in the car will be illuminated to indicate the service direction of the car, The automatic door closing is blocked and the door can only be closed by the attendant who keeps pressing on the door closing push button.

Inspection Operation

It is a function for field mechanic or technician to carry out maintenance, inspection or testing task. When entering inspection operation, the elevator will come into inching operation at approximately speed of 0.3 m/s

Full Height Sensor Door Safety Device

This versatile door safety device re-opens closing doors immediately when the infrared beam installed on the car doors is interrupted. The doors will close again after re-opening. Standard type is the multiple beam infrared safety rays which cover the full height of the car doors and the other optional type is multiple beam infrared safety rays which cover the full height of the car doors incorporated into door safety edge (2 in 1 functions).

Automatic Control Door Opening Time

When the elevator was in automatic mode, the door will close automatically by delay after the elevator arrived at a landing with the door open. The default delay is 3 seconds for a landing with or without any call and the delay time can be changed by setting the relevant parameter.

Pre-Closing Door by Door Closing Button

When the elevator door is open at automatic mode, the door can be closed immediately before the delay elapses by pushing the door closing push button.

Re-Open with Hall Call

While the doors are closing, they can be re-opened by pressing the hall button.

Main Floor Shut Off / Parking

The elevator car can be celled to the main floor to be shut off and regain the normal service automatically by the key switch located at the hall push button faceplate.

Interphone System

In case of emergencies, the interphone installed inside the elevator facilitates direct two-way communication with the rescue personnel in the motor room. Communication s also possible with the building superintendent if an optional intercom is installed in the building control room. The interphone is activated by simply pressing the interphone button on the car operating panel.

Car Arrival Chime

An electronic chime provides an audio signal to inform waiting passengers of the arrival of the elevator car at each floor. The chime can be mounted on the top or bottom of the car, or at each landing floor if required.

Fire Emergency Return

When the building's fire or smoke detectors are activated or the switch on the supervisory panel (optional) is activated, all calls are cancelled and all the elevators will immediately travel to the main lobby and park there with the doors fully open. However, the electrical signal that indicates the actuation of the fire sensors must be supplied to the elevator controller b others.

Power on Re-leveling

if power off or malfunction, the car may stop between floors. In this case, the car will move to the nearest floor when power is restored.

Historical Fault Log

The historical fault log keeps the latest 20 fault records concerning the occurring time, floors and codes.

Self-Diagnosis of Malfunctions

Controller can save the most recent 60% malfunctions and show them quickly on screen for diagnose.

Floor and Direction Indicator in the Car

The indicator located at the car operating panel will display the number of the arrival floor and the up or down direction of the elevator for passengers inside the car.

Floor and Direction Indicator at Hall

Displaying the arrival floor and the up / down direction at hall.