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Passenger-Elevator – Fuji Shinyou Elevator

Passenger Elevator

Product Introduction

Riding Comfort (Smooth and Quite)
VVVF Riding comfort is not only an important element of elevator design. It has aslso become a standard requirement of all clients and an essential need of the professionals of today. The FUJI VVVF elevator offers the ultimate in riding comfort, via its VVVF Inverter Control System. The inverter control system regulates both the amplitude and frequency of the motor drive voltage, based on the pulse width modulation algorithm, for precise and reliable speed control.
Advance Feature (Compact & Trim)
Serial communications result in a significant reduction of electrical wiring and redundant components. Further reduction in elevator hardware is achieved by the self-learning or calibration feature, whereby during commissioning, the elevator controller determines the floor heights and travel distances and stress the collected information in a memory chip. The significant reduction of hoist way wires (as much as fifty percent when compared to conventional elevators) and hardware coupled with the improved system reliability result in highly stable and safe system.
Custom Made Elevators
A wide range of equipment, car interiors and finishes have been made available to cater to virtually all client's requirements and needs. Collaboration with specialist interior designers has resulted in elevators with elegant and unique designs, many of which have been installed in high-class hotels, condominiums and other establishments. Our design team is always ready to assist in way possible.
Low Cost of Ownership, Reduced Energy Costs & Maintenance Costs
Performance results indicate that the system reliability is excellent with service disruptions reduced to a bare minimum. Coupled with the simplicity of the system and reduced hardware, the end result is significantly lower yearly maintenance costs for the FUJI VVVF elevator. Even in the event of a service disruption, the VVVF elevator has built-in algorithms to restore operation when it has been determined that there has been no loss in system integrity and safety.